"If you already know why, the means of accomplishing the ends won't scare you enough to deter you."
If you have read the majority of my posts, you'll find that a lot of my thoughts and emotions stem from amazing conversations with amazing people in my life. Some people from the past, some from the present, some I have never known before until the day the conversation occurred. Tonights blog is one that I have been waiting to post for quite some days now. This idea why. Why you do what you do. Why you say what you say. Why you make the moves that you do. Why you chose the path you're walking down.
This conversation occurred with someone whose wisdom is way beyond their years. Someone that dives in to get a deeper meaning to life and the reason behind our actions. When talking to this person, it was brought up as to what their opinion is on why the brain functions the way it does with emotions. I asked, "With pure emotions, you may know something is iffy, yet still jump head first and engage. While some, see something iffy and chose to ignore and walk away. Why? Why doesn't this register the same way in everyone's brain? Why is this a problem in life, in relationships, in families and friendships?"
And to make a long conversation short, this person (We will just call them A) broke it down to it being your reason why. If the reason why is strong enough, true enough, connected enough to your life then nothing can go wrong. If the reason why is so much stronger than the distractions, the distractions wouldn't be a thing. Because those distractions shouldn't even come close to your reason why. Your why needs to be strong, needs to be powerful and meaningful in order for it to be worth anything. When you answer the question why to the things going on in your life, what would the answer be? Is it enough? Is there even a reason? Is that reason true and connected? The greater your why creates for a greater outcome. So I asked myself tonight, Why am I in school? Why am I in my relationship? Why did I chose the job I'm in? These are my reasons why:
School: I have never... ever been a fan of school. I am that girl that went to Southern that partied my first three years, to have to work my ass off and complete my BA in 5 years. (Typical SCSU 5 year plan). So I graduated, got a job right out of college that was salary and full benefits. But I wasn't happy. I needed and wanted to do more. I wanted to be more in depth with the field of psychology and more involved with my clients lives. I also wasn't satisfied with just... being done. I needed another goal. I needed something more to work towards. I went back to school. I went back to school because I want to grow more in my career. I want to open doors that others told me would be impossible for me. I want to say I made it. I want to be able to feel the success of working hard towards a goal all year around. Not just working my ass off the last year of school to barely pass. I went back to school for me.
Work: Those that know me know that I have been all around in this lovely, amazing, always evolving field of psychology. Recently (the last 2 years) I have taken a spin on things and entered into the school system and in home services. Being in the school system just brings this new reach for me. This new goal that is so... addictive that I just never want to let go of it. Then I leave the school, to carry over in the home. And it's literally become this like...wow factor. To be able to see children who need the extra help transition from home to school and vis versa, it all just begins to make sense. Some situations are not the best. We all know that there are some living environments in which children should never be exposed to. I want to be the one to change that. I want to be the one to help those that are trying to find their way because of their own personal reason why. Help the schools to understand children that flip chairs and elope out of classrooms and figure out the child's reason why. I work in the school system because I want to be someone else's reason why and help those reach their goal and accomplish their why.
Relationship: I am in an amazing relationship not only with my boyfriend, but with my boyfriends son (Jayden). If you follow me on social media you can't miss them (Sorry not sorry). Julien (my boyfriend) is crazy, but in this out of the world, pulls you in and doesn't let go kind of way. The relationship isn't perfect, but I don't want perfect. I want the fights so we can grow not only in our relationship but on a personal level as well. I want his hugs, kisses, laughter because that's what keeps me going. Jayden, just puts this huge beautiful rainbow to our sunshine. He is so intelligent and funny. He has this huge heart and caring personality and he just loves so deeply. I am one lucky woman to have been able to enter into both of their lives and even more blessed and lucky that they accepted me for who I am. I am in my relationship with Julien and Jayden because they make me a better person. They hold me accountable and they are the reason I strive to be better and do better. They push me not only to be a better girlfriend and bonus mom, but to also be a better woman and human being. They are my reason why for everything that I am working towards in my life. They are my why.
Please take a second to think about your reason why. Think about what drives you to do the things that you do. The choices you make. Feel free to send me a message either here, on my blog and share your reasons why or on Facebook! I would love to hear what drives and motivates you to do better, to be better, and to grow as an individual.