Stay true in the dark and humble in the spotlight.

What a year 2016 was. When looking bad, there is just so much crap that went wrong lol. Don't get me wrong, there were a lot of positives as well. But thats what we do right? Look back at the previous year and notice all of the things that didn't go our way. Remember all the things we wanted to do or get done that just never happened. What do you think would happen if we reflected on the good things. Now I'm not saying forget the mistakes. Those mistakes turned into your lessons learned. I am saying, however, let's reflect on the good. Reflect on our progress and goals that we accomplished.
Hopefully, this helped you realize that you can and will accomplish things. That good things do happen, even though sometimes the bad clouds over it. This past year, I went through a terrible break up. One that changed my life and outlook on love. I got into a pretty bad accident. An accident that almost costed me my life. I struggled to get myself back on my feet and going into 2017, I am still struggling to get on my own two feet. But I am following my dream career and constantly working on a better me. 2017 won't be a new year, new me. But it will be filled with new goals, new look on life, and a continued thanks for the support and guidance from those around me. A new year gives the opportunity to notice the things we need to work on, and continue the things that work.
Lets set our goals, learn from our mistakes and become a better version of us in 2017. Happy New Year to you all! I wish you a healthy, success filled year full of love and happiness!