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Collateral Beauty

"Life is about people. At the end of the day, we're here to connect love, time, death. Now these three things connect every single human being on earth. We long for love. We wish we had more time. And we fear death." - Will Smith

Tonight I went to see a movie by myself. First time ever doing it and for some reason it was the easiest decision I had made in the last few days. Walking in I was nervous. Didn't really know how to act, didn't know what people would think and I didn't know how to feel being surrounded by couples. As soon as I sat down I was okay though. I was comfortable and relaxed and a new feeling of happiness and content sprung over me.

The movie I chose I knew I was going to like, however I had no idea it was going to change my entire outlook on life right now. I had no idea that it was going to hit so close to home for me. I had no idea that I would be walking out of the movie with so much sadness and happiness at the same time. This movie talked about love, time and death. And how we all connect, as humans, so deeply to those three things. It had me thinking about my connection and what my 'why" was for those three things.

Love. What is my why for love? I've been misguided, given up on, thrown away, pushed aside and replaced. Why do I continue to search for love? Love sucks. It hurts and it makes you question everything. But every time I think about how much it has hurt me, I forget to remember that love is the pain as well. Love is my why. The reasoning behind why I feel so deeply, why I don't give up on myself and why every time I am knocked down, I pick myself back up again. Love is the reason for it all.

Time. I always find myself feeling like I am running out. Like I have this dead line on life that I am just always late for. I feel like I don't have enough time. Yet, when I get a few minutes here and there what am I spending my time on? Am I wasting my time? Am I being lazy with my time? Albert Einstein stated that time is an illusion, but what does that even mean? I had it all wrong. There is no rush, there is no deadline, there is always time. But how you chose to spend that time is important and its something that we can't over look. We are given an opportunity to live our lives how we want, why waste it?

Death. We all die. It's a part of life. Its something that I fear every day. It is something that I have lost sleep over and some days it is something that I have anxiety about. But when looked at a different way, it is something that is a reminder. Tomorrow is not promised. With that being said, am I okay if I were to not be here tomorrow? Would I feel happy and accomplished? Would I feel like I lived the life I wanted? Why?

Never forget to see the collateral beauty in every situation.


What is your why?


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A year ago, I decided it’s time to change my lifestyle. This meant taking control of my life and making important decisions..

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