The Brain
Left and Right Brain. Those of you that really know me, know that the brain just does this thing to me. It ignites this spark in my mind, body, and soul and it takes me on this amazing roller coaster. The brain is a magnificent machine. Its the reason we are who we are and do what we do today, on a medical and psychological level. I remember, being an RA at SCSU for my undergrad. One bulletin board I had done for my hallway was on the left and right side of the brain. How Albert Einstein classified each side and stated that each individual was either more right or more left sided. I was so proud of that board. Not because it was recognized for board of the year, but because it was the one board that showed not only the brain but a piece of me and who I am.
The left side is known as the logical side. It is the side of the brain that makes sense, does the math problems, is very black and white, right from wrong and punctual. The right side is known as the creative side. It's the side where all these visions and where our crazy, and free imagination just runs wild. Its the side full of color. The side that adds the grey unknown color in-between the black and white. I remember one psychology class, having to determine if we were more left or right sided. So many people were able to say one or the other and have amazing reasons as to why. When it came time for me to share, I hesitated and then told my professor that I was in the middle. When he asked why I stated that I am black and white about some things, and wild, free and colorful about others. We then had to write a paper about it. Stating which side and why. Using our lives as our resources. Our experiences as our references and ourselves as subjects. Tonight, I'd like to share a little of that with you all...
I wouldn't necessarily call my life growing up easy. There has been a lot of upsets and tragedy. But I do also remember laughter and fun and love. I have seen a lot at a young age, and grew up more mature and wise because of it. My reasoning for being partially left sided is because some things in this crazy life we live in, have straight forward answers. We may not like them majority of the time. But they are what they are. And we need to accept that. And I am okay with that. For example, I am okay with accepting the fact that in order to support myself and my dog I need to get up and go to work everyday. Some parts of life weren't meant to be questioned, but more so just understood. I am very black and white when it comes to love, responsibility and support. You are either responsible or you're not. You either support or you don't. These types of things done half way only cause harm and hurt to others and yourselves.
Right sided, well because I am Ashley Hickey. I am the one that will brighten up a room, make you laugh and cry at the same time, dance until the sun comes up never missing a beat. I will support and love and be responsible but in my own unique way. I won't follow rules the way that they are written out to be followed, but I'll make sure that everyone around me is safe. I fight for what I believe in, and throughout my life the majority of the time that meant that I had to do things no one else has done. I am who I am today because of my right side of the brain. I will paint you a picture. It would be finger paint, and stick figures. and probably have a smiley face in the sun. But I would sit there and tell you this amazing story about that finger painted picture that makes you question life and your meaning on earth. I will sit here and analyze and break a sweat spending all day trying to understand you. Just so that I can tell you everything you need to hear to continue on your path. I don't give up and I don't walk away. I will fight until there is nothing left, and then find more.
I live in that grey area. I breathe and cry and laugh in that grey area. That grey area brings me so much happiness yet so much sadness at the same time. It is a blessing and a curse. But you know what? That is okay. Because without the deep breaths, we wouldn't know relaxation. Without the cries, we wouldn't know what sadness is, and without the laughs we wouldn't know happiness. Which means we wouldn't be able to understand our feelings never mind the feelings of others. And can you imagine not being able to even ever-so-slightly be able to understand someone else? How would we grow? How would we help each other? How would we love and aspire to our best version of ourselves?
Our relationship with ourselves is the most important relationship in our lives. But our relationship with others is just as important. Once we can understand ourselves, our personalities, which side we are on...we will be able to understand others and help them that much more. We have this amazing opportunity as human beings to help and support those around us. Why not take advantage of that? Why wouldn't you want to get to know the people you surround yourself with every day?
Life is a crazy ride. It can either be looked at as black and white, or you can add some color. Which one are you?