Late night thoughts
The funny thing about life is that it keeps going even when you want it to just pause for a minute. Life throws curve balls. These fast, hard, unexpected curve balls. And it feels like life just expects you to know what to do. To dodge, to get hit and deal with it, to run, to catch it. But lately it seems like I've been taking more hits than anything. Not quite sure if its because I've given up and would rather just take the hit and deal with the aftermath, Or if its because I have lost sight of who I am and what I deserve to get thrown at me. Either way that ball is coming at me and its coming fast.
When I look back to right before life hit me. I was a super senior in college. Working full time on campus, taking 6 classes, having 3 internships and still managing to pull off a 3.0 for the year. And today, I can barely sit and complete a grad school paper because my thoughts are racing back and forth. I know that I am not alone. And that some of you find yourself in this same "stuck" position. Being here one too many times, I've almost gotten used to how it feels.
Its a feeling like you can never do anything right. A feeling of, no matter how hard you try, you always come up short. That feeling of not being good enough. That feeling of wanting acceptance and love and happiness, but it all just seems right outside of your reach. Something I had to tell myself tonight was that its okay. It's all going to be okay. Life isn't going to stop throwing curve balls
, and your're never going to get a break from having to deal with it. So, we deal and we move forward.
Some days are going to be hard. The past couple of days I've felt like I lost sight of me. I lost feeling and hope. But tomorrow will be better. Because tomorrow I get another chance. Tomorrow I get to hit that re-do button and try again. The one thing that I can tell you, and the one thing I wish to get everyone to hear is that, You are enough. You are going to make all of your dreams come true. You can and will push through any and all obstacles that are thrown at you. Because you are strong, brave and determined. Life was never meant to be easy. Because nothing that comes easily is ever worth it.
Fight for your life. Fight for you. Fight for the things you want and dream of. They are at your reach.